We’ve all experienced frustration with our wardrobe at one point or another, and having a bunch clothes but feeling like you have nothing to wear is something I hear all the time and I have also been there MANY times. Over the past year or so I’ve been really wanting to curate my dream wardrobe for so many reasons. First off I’m a grown woman (Beyonce voice) and I think I should have a closet full of things that make sense for my different fashion moods and for my lifestyle as a whole. I love things that are pretty and interesting, I view clothes and jewelry as art so I guess that make me a collector or curator. There are a few rules I made for myself while I’ve been working on this little project and I think they have helped me to make better choices and I wanted to share them with you guys. I know the current situation in the world is tough and can feel depressing at times but fashion is an escape for a lot of people including myself, if there was ever a time to reinvent yourself/style its now!

- Being honest with yourself. I am now in my 30’s and at this point in the game I like to think I know myself pretty well, especially when it comes to my clothes. I know what I like, I know what I feel confident in, I know what styles do nothing for my body type and I know what styles do all of the RIGHT things for my body type. I no longer buy things and think “I’ll find somewhere to wear this to” or “If I lose or gain 5 pounds this will be perfect”, if it’s not doing what I need it to do at that moment its a no for me! Be honest with yourself. Do you need that? Is it true to your style? Do you have 10 things that look like it already? Does it make you feel your best? Ask yourself some of these questions while shopping.
- Quality over quantity. Do I want to have a lot of things but they’re shitty quality? Or do I want to have less things but the quality is great and lasts a long time? I’m going with option number two. I’m not saying I will never buy another item that isn’t the best of the best ever again because sometimes I want to try a trend or need a quick outfit that I don’t want to break the bank for. But 90% of what I buy has to be good quality pieces that I will have for years. Quality will last years and save you money over time, the amount of money you keep spending on poorly made items you can take it and invest in one solid piece that you won’t have to replace for years or even at all.
- Buying for your lifestyle. I love a pretty cocktail dress but to be honest I don’t have much of a social life (hopefully I change that this year) so I don’t have a need to buy a bunch of fancy dresses and things for nights out because my nights consist of watching Youtube with a cup of tea lol. I need clothes that I can wear everyday and everywhere especially to work which is where I spend the majority of my time, I work in fashion and what I wear on my own time is still appropriate for my job so I want my clothes to go the distance.

- Dress for your body type. At this stage in the game I refuse to own anything that doesn’t make me feel like Beyonce when I wear it even down to my sweats lol. I need to be comfortable and I need my clothes to be flattering, I’ve recently gained some (ok, a lot) of weight so I’m relearning my body and figuring out what looks best on me at this stage of my life. So far it has been pretty simple, just a matter of sizing up from my previous size 4 to a size 6 but I’m still a little nervous about ordering online at times. If I can find what I want in store I make the time to go try things on so I know how it fits for sure and I either purchase in store or order online later. Some people may not agree with this rule but I think dressing for your body type is so important, what looks amazing on someone else may not be the right fit for you and vice versa.
- Get it tailored! Dressing for my body type also includes tailoring items to perfection if I have to. It makes a big difference when your clothes look like they were made specifically for you and minor tailoring like hemming or taking something in can really change a garment for the better. When in doubt I recommend sizing up and getting the item taken in, remember its easier to take in fabric than it is to let it out.

I hope these tips helped if you’re changing some things around like I am. Please stay home if you’re not an essential worker and stay safe! ?
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